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CEAT specialty displayed its range of agricultural tires at SIMA, Paris

Sat, 4 May 2019 | exhibitions


CEAT Specialty, with a newly opened office in Netherlands, showcased its range of agricultural tires at SIMA  held from 24th to 28th February 2019.

On display were its ag radial range -85 series, 65 series and 70 series, all of which have recently been launched in Europe with great success. These robust radial tires have the following features and benefits :

  • Wider tread for reduced soil compaction;
  • Higher angle and lug overlap for better roadability;
  • Lower angle at shoulder for superior traction.

They also launched their range of radial flotation tires – Floatmax FT  which have the following benefits

  • Wider and flatter crown that offer better floating characteristics ,
  • Rounded shoulder providing lesser damage to soil and crops
  • Robust centre blocks for better stability and roadability.

With its 1,770 exhibitors from 42 countries, its 230,000 trade entries from 135 countries and its 360 international delegations, SIMA is the point of convergence for all types of agriculture worldwide