tyre care

Why You Must Check Your Trailer Tyres Before Work

Mon, 3 Oct 2022 | tyre care


Whether they have a high workload over a short period of time – such as grass, grain or root harvest – are fitted to trailers used throughout the year, or are called into action only occasionally, trailer tyres require regular checks, not only for safety reasons, but for performance and reliability ones too. Following these points should maximise the life of your trailer tyres and delay as long as possible the need to spend time in the office seek replacements by scanning trailer tyres’ price lists and searching for ‘trailer tyres for sale’ or ‘trailer tyres near me’.

Among the reasons why you should check your trailer tyres before beginning any task, safety is the obvious one that would hopefully head the list of any operator’s list of importance. There are, though, many others that will benefit the farming business, the operator and – if working on the highway – other road users.


This is perhaps the most obvious reason for checking your trailer tyres. Those not set at the manufacturer’s recommended pressures for the application and load risk becoming detached from the rim in operation. In the field this could mean a damaged, unrepairable trailer tyre and challenging conditions in which to replace it. On the road, it could mean something far worse, with the potential for a deflated trailer tyre to detach from the wheel, causing a serious hazard for other road users and potentially a road-damaging and out-of-control tractor/trailer combination for the operator to deal with. The same goes for checking the tightness of the nuts securing the wheel on which the trailer tyre is mounted.


Before you set to work with a trailed or trailed implement, checking the trailer tyres for damage will help insure against potential downtime later. Checking for any problems – carcase damage or embedded foreign objects, for example – will mean they can be dealt with before work begins, and not delay it once they potentially become apparent during work.


While they are not tractive – except in the case of some specialist trailers with powered axles – and so do not have a direct impact on performance, trailer tyres and those fitted to trailed implements will affect the performance of the trailer/implement to which they are fitted. Those that are operated at the manufacturer-recommended pressures will enable the tractor that pulls the trailer/implement to operate at optimum fuel efficiency and road/field speed, and with the rise in fuel prices this has grown significantly in importance.

Field impact

Implement and trailer tyres which are incorrectly pressured, damaged or poorly-fitted will detrimentally affect the field surface they operate on, whether grassland, combinable crop ground or root crop land. Ensuring they are operated at the correct pressures minimises compaction, while checking for damage before each day’s operation will ensure soil-damaging field-traffic will not be required to repair or replace a trailer tyre in the field.


To delay as long as possible the next time you need to peruse trailer tyres’ price lists and trawl the internet for ‘trailer tyres for sale’ or ‘trailer tyres near me’, ensure your check over your trailer tyres daily before work, and remember the benefits for safety, reliability, performance and field impact – and your business’s costs – that some simple checks have the potential to bring.