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Transforming Agriculture: Ag Tech Innovations and Cutting-Edge Tires for Increased Productivity

Transforming Agriculture: Ag Tech Innovations and Cutting-Edge Tires for Increased Productivity

The agricultural landscape is undergoing a transformative phase, driven by a convergence of AgTech innovations and cutting-edge tire technologies.

In 2023, the agricultural sector faced challenges and embraced advancements to adapt to extreme weather events and supply chain disruptions. Concurrently, innovative companies, including farm tire manufacturer CEAT Specialty, pushed the technology envelope to ensure increased productivity.

This comprehensive overview explores the key developments in AgTech and tire technology in 2023 while anticipating major trends in 2024:

1. Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI) — The year 2023 witnessed a historic opportunity in agriculture with the integration of Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI). Gen AI, calculated to impact the global economy in trillions of dollars, plays a pivotal role in improving productivity, reducing waste, and opening new markets. In the agriculture sector, Gen AI optimizes crop management, offering insights for precise management techniques and climate trend tracking.

2. Utilizing Digital Twins for Precision in Agriculture — Digital twins — virtual representations of physical products or systems — have emerged as a game-changer in precision agriculture. By leveraging real-world data and synthetic data, researchers can streamline the development and validation processes for new agricultural innovations.

3. Technical Innovation in Regenerative Agriculture — Anticipated trends in 2024 point towards greater technical innovation and research in regenerative agriculture. This holistic approach, mimicking natural processes and biodiversity, is crucial in addressing soil erosion and improving soil health. Platforms from companies such as Agmatix focus on sustainability, encompassing soil health, crop protection, and nutrient efficiency.

4. Managing Data with Advanced Cloud Solutions — Innovation in agriculture is increasingly reliant on data, and cloud technology is playing a pivotal role in collating, managing, and extrapolating information. With exponential growth in agricultural data collection, cloud technology developed by Agmatix and other companies is anticipated to shape the future of data-dependent agricultural practices.

Technological advancements in Ag tires are also playing a key role in the Ag industry’s transformation. As farmers embrace advanced technologies, the demand for highly productive farm tractor and implement tires is expected to surge. CEAT Specialty’s technological innovations in tire manufacturing contribute to higher efficiency, reduced downtime, and overall enhanced productivit. Innovative tire lines from CEAT Specialty include:

  1. FARMAX Radial Tractor Tires — The FARMAX tractor tire line features innovative rubber compounds, tread design, and construction . . . delivering long tread life, reliable traction in the field, a smooth road ride, and low soil compaction.

  2.  Torquemax Radials — The Torquemax radial tractor tire line, designed for high-horsepower tractors, provides superior traction and prevents slippage even in challenging conditions.

  3.  Spraymax Tires for Self-Propelled Sprayers —  CEAT Specialty’s Spraymax tire, designed for larger self-propelled sprayers, is available in a VF version . . . engineered to carry 40% more load than a standard radial. Alternately, it carries the same load as a standard radial at 40% lesser pressure. A stepped lug design in the Spraymax provides better grip and traction, while a center tie bar gives this tire superior roadability.

CEAT Specialty’s commitment to quality is evidenced by being awarded the prestigious Deming Grand Prize, a recognition of its adherence to Total Quality Management (TQM). Companies like CEAT Specialty and Agmatix stand at the forefront of this revolution, driving advancements that empower farmers, optimize operations, and contribute to meeting the challenges of a growing global population.

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Thu, 22 Feb 2024 technology



What are the Environmental Benefits of Micro-Grids in Agriculture?

What are the Environmental Benefits of Micro-Grids in Agriculture?

Micro-grids in agriculture offer several benefits that contribute to sustainability and environmental impact reduction.

Taking a thorough look at farming and ranching, it’s difficult not to think about the environmental impact these sectors have and can have. With the rising concerns about climate change and the need for sustainable practices, people are thinking about new and innovative ways to ensure that their agricultural practices are both profitable and eco-friendly.

One such innovation gaining attention is the use of micro-grids. Let’s take a closer look at the various environmental benefits of micro-grids in agricultural practices:

  • Renewable Energy Integration: Agriculture micro-grids often incorporate renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, or small-scale hydroelectric power. By utilizing clean and renewable energy, micro-grids reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with conventional fossil fuel-based energy generation.
  • Reduced Emissions: Micro-grids can replace or reduce reliance on diesel generators or grid-connected electricity, which often rely on fossil fuels. By reducing the use of these polluting energy sources, micro-grids help to mitigate air pollution and decrease emissions of greenhouse gasses and harmful pollutants like sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter.
  • Energy Efficiency: Micro-grids enable localized and decentralized energy generation, reducing transmission and distribution losses that typically occur in large-scale centralized power systems. This increased energy efficiency conserves resources and minimizes energy waste.
  • Optimal Resource Allocation: Micro-grids in agriculture can integrate energy storage systems such as batteries, which enable better management of intermittent renewable energy sources. This ensures a more stable and reliable power supply, reducing the need for backup diesel generators and optimizing renewable energy resources.
  • Grid Resilience and Reliability: Micro-grids enhance agricultural operations’ resilience by creating localized energy networks that can operate independently from the main grid during power outages or disruptions. This capability improves energy supply reliability and reduces vulnerability to climate-related events or other natural disasters.
  • Water Conservation: Micro-grids can significantly support efficient water management in agriculture by powering irrigation systems using surplus power from the micro-grid. This allows for precision irrigation techniques such as drip irrigation or sensor-based systems, which minimize water wastage and promote water conservation.
  • Sustainable Farming Practices: The use of micro-grids in agriculture encourages the adoption of sustainable farming practices, including organic farming, agroforestry, and regenerative agriculture. These practices can contribute to soil health, biodiversity conservation, carbon sequestration, and overall ecosystem sustainability.

Overall, micro-grids in agriculture promote the transition towards cleaner energy sources, reduce emissions, increase energy efficiency, improve resilience, and facilitate sustainable farming practices. By integrating renewable energy and enhancing resource management, micro-grids play a vital role in mitigating climate change and minimizing the environmental footprint of agricultural activities. Also, by minimizing the carbon footprint, improving local air quality, conserving natural resources, promoting biodiversity, and reducing energy waste, micro-grids help farmers and ranchers operate in an eco-friendly and sustainable way. On top of being environmentally beneficial, micro-grids are also economically viable and can be a profitable investment for farmers and ranchers in the long run.

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Sat, 24 Jun 2023 technology



The Ultimate Guide to Agricultural Trends

The Ultimate Guide to Agricultural Trends

Agriculture is a constantly evolving industry, with new practices and technologies emerging each year. It can be difficult to keep up with all of the changes and to determine which trends are worth investing in.

That’s why CEAT Specialty, a manufacturer of high technology Ag tires, is sharing details on the latest in agricultural trends. In this post, we’ll explore five trends that are shaping the future of farming and provide insights into how they can benefit your operation.

Precision Agriculture — involves using advanced technologies like GPS, sensors, robotics and analytics to optimize productivity. By collecting data on soil quality, plant health, and weather patterns, farmers can make informed decisions about when and where to plant, fertilize, and irrigate their crops. If you’re looking to invest in precision agriculture, start with tools like soil moisture sensors and weather stations.

Vertical Farming — a growing trend in certain types of agriculture that involves growing crops in an indoor, vertical environment. Using LED lights and hydroponic systems, vertical farms can produce higher yields and more consistent crops than traditional farming methods. Vertical farms are also more environmentally friendly than traditional farming methods, as they use less water and pesticides. If you’re looking to start a vertical farm, consider investing in LED grow lights and automated hydroponic systems.

Farm-to-Table — a trend that inolves selling locally produced food directly to consumers. By cutting out the middleman, farmers can increase profits and build relationships with consumers. Farm-to-table also benefits the environment, as it reduces the carbon footprint associated with transporting food long distances. If you’re interested in a farm-to-table operation, consider selling at farmers’ markets or setting up a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program.

Drones — These flying machines are becoming increasingly popular in agriculture, as they can be used to collect data on crops and map farmland more efficiently than traditional methods. By using drones to monitor crop health and growth, farmers can make better decisions about irrigation and fertilizer application. Drones can also be used to map farmland and identify areas that need more attention. If you’re interested in exploring drone technology, start with a basic drone equipped with a camera.

Sustainable Agriculture — involves using environmentally friendly practices like crop rotation,intercropping, and cover crops to maintain soil quality and reduce waste. Sustainable agriculture can help reduce environmental impact and increase productivity by maintaining healthy soils and reducing the need for fertilizers and pesticides. If you’re interested in sustainable agriculture, consider implementing practices like cover cropping and intercropping on your farm.

Agriculture is an ever-changing industry, but by staying on top of trends and investing in new technologies, farmers and ranchers can increase productivity and profitability while reducing environmental impact. There are many opportunities to innovate and improve your operation. By keeping an open mind and being willing to try new things, you can help shape the future of agriculture and build a successful and sustainable farming business.

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Tue, 20 Jun 2023 technology



Why Soil Health is Vital for Farmers and Ranchers: The Impact of Soil Compaction on Crop Yield

Why Soil Health is Vital for Farmers and Ranchers: The Impact of Soil Compaction on Crop Yield

The importance of soil health to successful farming cannot be overstated. Soil compaction, an issue that impacts numerous growers in North America and across the globe, is a huge factor that significantly impacts soil health and therefore crop yield.

So, what exactly is soil compaction? It occurs when soil particles are pressed and squeezed tightly, leading to a reduction of pore spaces that facilitate air and water absorption. When soils are compacted, it becomes difficult for the roots of crops to penetrate into the soil. Factors such as soil texture, rainfall, and soil types greatly contribute to the extent of soil compaction. For instance, clay soils are more prone to compaction than sandy soils because they have smaller spaces between soil particles, which can lead to a higher incidence of soil compaction.

The extent to which soil compaction affects crop yield is significant. Crop production can be reduced by up to 50% in compacted fields. This is because soil compaction leads to reduced water infiltration, reduced nutrient uptake, reduced oxygen supply, lower pH, and less microbial activity. These factors all negatively impact crop growth and yield.

Compacted soils are also less resilient to environmental stresses such as drought, erosion and heat. They are also more prone to runoff and soil erosion. Soil compaction is, therefore, a serious issue for farmers and ranchers.

The optimized designs of CEAT Ag tires help minimize the ground pressure exerted by farm machinery, ensuring that fields remain loose and porous, enabling the roots of crops to easily access nutrients, water, and oxygen.

Take the Torquemax VF radial for high power tractors for example. VF (very high flexion) technology enables the Torquemax to carry 40% more load, as compared to standard radial tires at the same pressure. On the other hand, VF tires can be operated at 40% lower air pressure as compared to standard radials for the same load. This produces a larger tire footprint which leads to lower soil compaction.

The CEAT Spraymax also provides VF technology for self-propelled sprayers. Not only does the Spraymax come with VF technology, it is incredibly durable – meaning farmers can get the most out of each season without needing to replace their tires too often – welcome news for farmers dealing with high input costs.

CEAT Specialty Tires is currently developing additional farm tire lines with VF technology. Tire technology must advance to keep up with farming machinery that is increasingly becoming more massive and heavier, which enhances productivity but can compact soils. While farm tractor and implement tires may look similar, they are not! it pays to know the company behind the tire. With CEAT, you can count on a farm tire that was borne from advanced R&D and produced through the most stringent total quality management (TQM) manufacturing processes.

The company continually invests in R&D and its manufacturing plants to deliver the highest quality products to its customers. Of particular note, CEAT is totally committed to following Total Quality Management (TQM) principles. CEAT is the only tire company outside of Japan to receive the prestigious Deming Prize (in 2017) for TQM excellence. This commitment gives CEAT the confidence to offer a 7-year manufacturer’s warranty and 3-year field hazard warranty on all of its Ag radial tires.

In summary, soil health is essential for farmers and ranchers to produce high yields and quality crops. Soil compaction is one factor that greatly impacts soil health; thus, farmers and ranchers must understand the impacts of soil compaction and ways to reduce it. CEAT Ag tires are an innovative solution that farmers and ranchers can use to reduce the harmful effects of soil compaction.

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Mon, 19 Jun 2023 technology



Unlocking Technological Advancements in Ag Tires for Modern Farmers

Unlocking Technological Advancements in Ag Tires for Modern Farmers

As the agricultural industry continues to evolve, so too do its tire needs. The modern farmer is looking for Ag tire technology that delivers on a number of important fronts – minimizing soil compaction, maximizing performance in the field and on the road, reducing tread wear, combatting stubble damage and more.

To meet this need, tire manufacturers such as CEAT Specialty are continuously introducing new innovations designed to improve functionality as well as profitability for farmers. In this blog post, we’ll take an in-depth look at some of the current trends in Ag tires along with what can be expected from future developments in this ever-changing landscape. Keep reading to see how today’s farmers can benefit from advancements made by those pushing technological boundaries in Ag tires.

Flotation Tires

The increased usage of high-flotation tires is one of the most notable trends in agriculture tires. High-flotation tires have a larger surface area, which reduces soil compaction and minimizes crop damage while enhancing the tractor’s stability. This leads to superior traction, better fuel economy, and improved overall performance. High-flotation tires such as the FARMAX HPT tire from CEAT Specialty are specially designed for wet and soft soil conditions, allowing farmers to enhance crop yields and optimize crop operations.

IF/VF Technology

The importance of minimizing soil compaction cannot be understated. Soil compaction is a major problem for farmers as it reduces pore space, making it difficult for air, water, and roots to penetrate into the soil. This can cause limited crop growth, reduced crop yields, and even soil erosion. One of the most important developments in farm tires in recent years for reducing soil compaction is IF (increased flexion) and VF (very high flexion) tires. IF tires are designed to carry 20% more load than a standard radial and, alternately, carry the same load as a standard radial at 20% less pressure. VF tires such as the Torquemax VF, are even more advanced with the ability to carry 40% more load or the same load with 40% less pressure. The IF/VF tire footprint treats the soil kindly. CEAT is delivering IF/VF technology to farms and ranches at a competitive cost.

Dual Tires

Another trend in farm tractor tires is the usage of dual tires to handle heavy loads. Dual tires provide increased load carrying capacity while significantly reducing soil compaction. This leads to longer tire life, better fuel economy, and improved traction. Dual tires also distribute the load evenly on the surface, minimizing depressions on the ground, reducing soil erosion, and improving soil quality.


Today’s Ag tires must perform equally well in the field and on the road as farmers increasingly work many fields separated by paved and gravel roads. Effective farm tires deliver dependable traction with less slip in the field and also a smooth steady ride on the road.

As Barry Hawn, Director of Off-Road Products for Tirecraft Ontario, notes in this blog post, “Farmers are in their tractors all day long. When they get on the road they’ve got to get to the next field as quickly as possible. They are going pretty fast, so ride comfort is a huge issue. If they get beat up on the road, at the end of the day they are not happy!”

“The CEAT tires have done a great job with their capability to roll down the road with a nice comfortable ride,” says Hawn who has been in the tire business for 50 years. He has experience with the vast majority of Ag tire brands.

The CEAT radial Ag tire plant is one of the most advanced in the world.

R&D Investment

Ag tires today deliver performance levels that would have been unimaginable 10-20 years ago. Ag tire manufacturers like CEAT Specialty invest tens of millions of dollars in R&D and high-tech plants.

Of particular note, CEAT is totally committed to following Total Quality Management (TQM) principles. CEAT is the only tire company outside of Japan to receive the prestigious Deming Prize (in 2017) for TQM excellence.

The field of agriculture has undergone a revolution over the last few decades, and the industry is predicted to progress at breakneck speed in the years to come. With tires being the only component on tractors and implements that touches the ground, you can count on Ag tires to continue progressing in technology. With sustainable farming practices becoming increasingly important, we can expect to see tires that are more environmentally friendly, reducing soil compaction and enabling farmers to work more efficiently. It’s an exciting time for agriculture, and with advances in tire technology, farmers can look forward to a future of increased productivity and sustainability.

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Tue, 25 Apr 2023 technology



The Future of Agriculture Tires: Trends and Innovations

The Future of Agriculture Tires: Trends and Innovations

Agriculture is the backbone of any economy, and the use of appropriate tires is vital for maintaining productivity and efficient operations in the agricultural sector.

In recent years, the Ag industry has witnessed remarkable progress and innovation in agriculture tire technology, and the trend is set to continue. As a farmer or rancher, it is essential to stay informed on the latest trends and innovations in agriculture tires to optimize production. This post will discuss the future of agriculture tires, including innovations and trends in the industry, with a spotlight on the CEAT FARMAX HPT tire.

1. Increased Usage of High-Flotation Tires
The increased usage of high-flotation tires is one of the most notable trends in agriculture tires. High-flotation tires have a larger surface area, which reduces soil compaction and minimizes crop damage while enhancing the tractor’s stability. This leads to superior traction, better fuel economy, and improved overall performance. High-flotation tires such as the FARMAX HPT tire from CEAT Specialty Tires are specially designed for wet and soft soil conditions, allowing farmers to enhance crop yields and optimize crop operations.

2. Dual Tires for Increased Load Carrying Capacity
Another trend in farm tractor tires is the usage of dual tires to handle heavy loads. Dual tires provide increased load carrying capacity while significantly reducing soil compaction. This leads to longer tire life, better fuel economy, and improved traction. Dual tires also distribute the load evenly on the surface, minimizing depressions on the ground, reducing soil erosion, and improving soil quality.

3. Greater Emphasis on Durability
The durability of Ag tires is essential for maintaining operations and reducing downtime in the field, as well as reducing tire operating costs. Durability ensures that the tires can withstand challenging conditions, rough terrain, and heavy loads. The FARMAX HPT tire is specially designed to have high durability and longevity, ensuring that farmers receive optimal value for their investment.

4. Integration of Advanced Technologies
Advanced technologies have been integrated into agriculture tire design to improve efficiency, durability, and /ar/blog/technology/the-future-of-agriculture-tires-trends-and-innovations. The FARMAX HPT radial, for instance, features a variable lug angle, which enhances self-cleaning by shedding mud. Also, an interlocking lug design improves traction in wet and soft soil conditions. Additionally, the FARMAX HPT tire incorporates advanced radial construction, which provides a larger contact surface and reduces soil compaction and slippage.

Agriculture tire technology is continuously evolving, with numerous innovations and trends that are transforming the industry. It is essential to prioritize the use of high-quality, durable, and innovative agriculture tires in farming and ranching operations. CEAT Specialty Tires’ FARMAX HPT tire is a top-of-the-line tire that incorporates cutting-edge technologies.

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Sat, 25 Mar 2023 technology



The Right Tires Matter: Why You Shouldn’t Skimp on Quality for Your Agricultural Vehicles

The Right Tires Matter: Why You Shouldn’t Skimp on Quality for Your Agricultural Vehicles

What is the cost of down time when there are crops to harvest and a tractor tire is out of commission? Or you’re buying another set of tractor tires because your current set wore out much quicker than expected?

Farm tractor and implement tires are a significant investment, but don’t be penny wise and pound foolish! Buying the cheapest Ag tire could quite likely cost you more in the long term. Likewise, opting for the farm tire with the highest acquisition price is not a guarantee that you are getting good value.

Total cost of ownership

This is what matters the most – tread life and best service at the optimum acquisition price. Until you have experience with a new tire brand, follow your tire dealer’s advice based on his experience. The objective is to compare the acquisition price with the tread wear and overall performance achieved to determine the total cost of ownership (TCO). CEAT farm tractor tires, such as the Torquemax VF, are gaining rapid acceptance from North American farmers because they deliver a superior TCO.


Does the tire come with a warranty? Farm tractor tires are a significant investment for any farm or ranch, so a good warranty provides peace of mind. CEAT Ag radials are backed with a 7 year manufacturer’s warranty and a 3 year field hazard warranty. The warranty is very rarely needed but it provides good peace of mind.

For some criteria, such as traction in the field and ride on the road, you will know fairly soon whether you made the right decision. Concerning the very important metric of cost per hour, you cannot ascertain that until the tire is worn out. Then you can compare the acquisition price to the number of hours of service.

Brent Sisson, Agricultural Tire Specialist for Tirecraft Sarnia in Ontario, Canada, says it takes him about four years to truly evaluate an Ag tire brand. He’s been selling CEAT farm tires for four years now and he is all in!

“For myself, it’s about a 4-year process before I can feel confident in telling my customers I have confidence in a product,” Sisson notes. “I have to see it first-hand with known comparisons. CEAT is one brand that has surpassed my requirements. They provide a high quality, precision product. We have had lots of excellent customer feedback.”

IF/VF Tires

The “right” Ag tire for you may very well be one featuring IF or VF technology. One of the most important developments in farm tires in recent years is IF (increased flexion) and VF (very high flexion) tires. IF tires are designed to carry 20% more load than a standard radial and, alternately, carry the same load as a standard radial at 20% less pressure. VF tires such as the Torquemax VF, are even more advanced with the ability to carry 40% more load or the same load with 40% less pressure. Structural and compound innovations in IF/VF tires allow the sidewalls to flex more during operation. By utilizing the lower inflation pressures made possible by IF/VF tires, a farmer can increase the tires’ ground contact area, helping with traction and fuel economy, and also reduce the harmful downward forces that cause soil compaction.

CEAT is committed to providing North American farmers and ranchers high quality tires at an “honest price.” The company continually invests in R&D and its manufacturing plants to deliver the highest quality products to its customers. Of particular note, CEAT is totally committed to following Total Quality Management (TQM) principles. CEAT is the only tire company outside of Japan to receive the prestigious Deming Prize (in 2017) for TQM excellence.

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Wed, 15 Feb 2023 technology



CEAT Specialty: Provider of Innovative Tires for the Agricultural Industry

CEAT Specialty: Provider of Innovative Tires for the Agricultural Industry

The guiding mission of CEAT Specialty Tires is to offer high quality tires at better value to North America’s farmers and ranchers. Or another way of saying it – “high quality tires at an honest price.”

Easy enough to say . . . but CEAT devotes substantial financial and human resources in R&D, manufacturing, customer service and many other areas to make it a reality!

And reality it is . . . CEAT farm tractor and implement tires (radial and bias) have received a very positive response from North American farmers, ranchers and tire dealers. Founded almost 100 years ago in Turin, Italy, CEAT has a long history of manufacturing and producing tires for international markets. CEAT Specialty Tires began selling Ag and OTR (off-the-road) tires in North America five years ago.

Tire technology must advance to keep up with farming machinery that is increasingly becoming more massive and technologically sophisticated. While farm tractor and implement tires may look similar, they are not! It pays to know the company behind the tire. With CEAT, you can count on a farm tire that was borne from advanced R&D and produced through the most stringent total quality management (TQM) manufacturing processes.

The company continually invests in R&D and its manufacturing plants to deliver the highest quality products to its customers. Of particular note, CEAT is totally committed to following Total Quality Management (TQM) principles. CEAT is the only tire company outside of Japan to receive the prestigious Deming Prize (in 2017) for TQM excellence. This commitment gives CEAT the confidence to offer a 7-year manufacturer’s warranty and 3-year field hazard warranty on all of its Ag radial tires.

The CEAT Torquemax VF – a “high quality tire at an honest price”

The Torquemax VF (Very High Flexion) tire is designed to carry 40% more load, as compared to standard radial tires at the same pressure. On the other hand, VF tires like the Torquemax can be operated at 40% lower air pressure as compared to standard radials for the same load. This produces a larger tire footprint which leads to lower soil compaction.

CEAT is delivering VF and IF (“Increased Flexion” tires equipped to carry 20% higher load than the standard radial tires at the same pressure) to North American farmers and ranchers at an aggressive price point.

Great feedback from North American farmers and ranchers

The feedback Tirecraft Ontario, which has the distribution rights to Eastern Canada including Atlantic Canada, Quebec, and Ontario, has been very positive and very typical.

Barry Hawn, Director of Off-Road Products for Tirecraft Ontario, has been in the tire business for 50 years – all of them with a heavy emphasis on farm tires. He has first-hand experience with practically every Ag tire brand, so he was skeptical when he heard four years ago that another brand was entering the “already saturated Ag market.”

Hawn’s first impressions of the CEAT organization and appearance of the tires were very good, so he decided to give CEAT a try. To ensure 100% satisfaction with this new brand, Hawn offered his corporate stores and associate dealers a “60-day no nonsense, if you don’t like them for any reason, or if your end user doesn’t like them for any reason, I’ll take them back.” There is no longer a need to follow up, Hawn notes. Not a single tire returned! CEAT farm tractor tire sales have been brisk.

The longtime tire executive says he has received rave reviews on the roadability of CEAT tires — “The CEAT tires have done a great job with their capability to roll down the road with a nice comfortable ride, and traction wise I have not had a single complaint.”

With CEAT, you can count on a farm tire developed through advanced R&D and produced through stringent total quality management (TQM) manufacturing processes . . . at a price that does not break the bank.

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Tue, 7 Feb 2023 technology



High Quality Ag Tires at an Honest Price for North American Farmers and Ranchers

High Quality Ag Tires at an Honest Price for North American Farmers and Ranchers

Few people understand the importance of profitability like North America’s farmers and ranchers, where every single equipment decision has the potential to impact yields for years to come.

That is precisely why CEAT Specialty Tires is dedicated to providing high quality tires at an honest price.

This is our guiding mission – to offer high quality tires at better value to North America’s farmers and ranchers.

Tire prices have not increased nearly as much as other input costs such as fertilizer in the past couple of years, but they still represent a substantial portion of farm and ranch input costs. Given this, CEAT’s endeavor is to offer a tire that carries higher loads while caring for the crops at an affordable price . . . tires like the Torquemax VF designed for high power tractors.

Higher load carrying capacity

The VF (Very High Flexion) tires are designed to carry 40% more load, as compared to standard radial tires at the same pressure. IF (Increased Flexion) tires are equipped to carry 20% higher load than the standard radial tires at the same pressure.

Reduced soil compaction

On the other hand, VF tires can be operated at 40% lower air pressure (20% for IF tires) as compared to standard radials for the same load. This produces a larger tire footprint which leads to lower soil compaction.

The best value tires for North America’s farmers

Founded almost 100 years ago in Turin, Italy, CEAT has a long history of manufacturing and producing tires for international markets. CEAT Specialty Tires began selling Ag and OTR (off-the-road) tires in North America five years ago.

The company continually invests in R&D and its manufacturing plants to deliver the highest quality products to its customers. Of particular note, CEAT is totally committed to following Total Quality Management (TQM) principles. CEAT is the only tire company outside of Japan to receive the prestigious Deming Prize (in 2017) for TQM excellence. This commitment gives CEAT the confidence to offer a 7-year manufacturer’s warranty and 3-year field hazard warranty on all of its Ag radial tires.

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Fri, 27 Jan 2023 technology



6 Ways AI Has the Potential to Improve Agriculture In 2023

6 Ways AI Has the Potential to Improve Agriculture In 2023

Those in the North American Ag industry know fully well just how hi-tech our industry has become. Well buckle up buckaroos . . . the next few years and decades will see a tremendous technology boost from AI (artificial intelligence).

From leveraging computer vision technology for crop and soil monitoring to disease detection and robots working the fields, the Ag industry is entering a new phase of evolution with AI.

CEAT Specialty Tires is devoted to delivering the latest in farm tire technologies to farms and ranches of all sizes like our Torquemax VF for high power tractors. The company is keeping a close eye on emerging AI technologies for the Ag industry to determine how they will affect tire development. Here are six ways that AI has the potential to improve farming in 2023:

Security — AI and machine learning can reduce domestic and wild animals’ potential to accidentally destroy crops or identify a break-in or burglary at a remote farm location. AI and machine learning video surveillance systems scale just as easily for a large-scale agricultural operation as for an individual farm. Machine-learning based surveillance systems can be programmed or trained over time to identify employees and their vehicles.

Smart Drones — AI and machine learning improve crop yield prediction through real-time sensor data and visual analytics data from drones. This provides entirely new data sets such as combining in-ground sensor data of moisture, fertilizer and natural nutrient levels to analyze growth patterns for each crop over time.

Detecting disease and pests — AI technology helps in detecting disease in plants and pests, as well as poor nutrition in the fields. AI sensors can detect and target weeds and then decide which herbicide to apply within the region. This helps in reduced usage of herbicides and cost savings.

Yield mapping – This agricultural technique relies on supervised machine learning algorithms to find patterns in large-scale data sets for crop planning. Using a combination of machine learning techniques to analyze 3D mapping, social condition data from sensors and drone-based data of soil color, agricultural specialists can now predict the potential soil yields for a given crop.

Pest management — Using infrared camera data from drones, combined with sensors on fields that can monitor plant health, AI can predict and identify pest infestations before they occur.

Robots in the field — There’s a shortage of agricultural workers in many regions in the US and across the world. AI and machine learning-based smart tractors, agribots and robotics will increasingly become (sooner than you think) a viable option for agricultural operations that struggle to find workers. For instance, self-propelled robotics machinery can be programmed to distribute fertilizer on each row crop to help keep operating costs down and further improve field yields.

Technology will be the key to feeding and clothing the world’s ever-increasing population, a task made even more difficult by the adverse effects of global warming. CEAT Specialty Tires is committing substantial R&D resources to design and manufacture next generation tires for farm tractors and implements. The company is paying close attention to how AI and machine learning technologies will affect farming practices, particularly as they relate to tires.

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Tue, 17 Jan 2023 technology



How New Tractor Tire Technology Can Help Your Farm

How New Tractor Tire Technology Can Help Your Farm

Today’s farm tractor tires are marvels of modern engineering with companies like CEAT Specialty Tires spending millions to develop tires that provide dependable traction in the field, smooth ride on the road and long tread wear.

The first task at CEAT is understanding the needs of farmers and ranchers, the terrain they work on, and their type of equipment. Driven by the core technologies of tire design, engineering, material development and process engineering, the company delivers tires that increase the efficiency of the vehicles and the people they work with, while being gentle enough to protect the crops.

One of the most important developments in farm tires in recent years is IF (increased flexion) and VF (very high flexion) tires. IF tires are designed to carry 20% more load than a standard radial and, alternately, carry the same load as a standard radial at 20% less pressure. VF tires are even more advanced with the ability to carry 40% more load or the same load with 40% less pressure.

Structural and compound innovations in IF/VF tires allow the sidewalls to flex more during operation. By utilizing the lower inflation pressures made possible by IF/VF tires, a farmer can increase the tires’ ground contact area, helping with traction and fuel economy, and also reduce the harmful downward forces that cause soil compaction.

The CEAT TORQUEMAX, designed for high power tractors, is available in both IF and VF versions. This high-tech farm tractor tire features many other innovations such as:

  • a stepped lug design that provides better grip and traction.
  • a center tie bar gives the TORQUEMAX superior roadability, which is increasingly important these days as farm equipment spends more time on the road traveling from one tract of land to another.
  • rounded shoulders which mean less soil and crop damage.
  • a tilted lug tip that reduces vibration and noise.
  • a wider tread and larger inner volume reduce soil compaction, and the R1-W tread depth ensures long service life.

The CEAT Spraymax, designed for self-propelled sprayers, is also available with VF technology. Like the TORQUEMAX, the Spraymax VF features a center tie bar which gives it superior roadability. Its rounded shoulders mean less soil and crop damage as it works between the rows.

Tire technology must advance to keep up with farming machinery that is increasingly becoming more massive and technologically sophisticated. While farm tractor and implement tires may look similar, they are not! it pays to know the company behind the tire. With CEAT, you can count on a farm tire that was borne from advanced R&D and produced through the most stringent total quality management (TQM) manufacturing processes.

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Tue, 5 Jul 2022 technology



TQM at CEAT Means Hard Working Tires on the Farm

TQM at CEAT Means Hard Working Tires on the Farm

Founded almost 100 years ago, CEAT has a long history of producing tires for international markets. CEAT Specialty began selling Ag and OTR tires in North America four years ago.

“With customer centricity being the guiding principle for all our actions, we continually invest in customer service and R&D to deliver the highest quality products to all our customers,” said CEAT Specialty Tires President Ryan Loethen. “Additionally, we follow Total Quality Management (TQM) principles. The Deming Prize we received in 2017 is a testament to that commitment.”

The prestigious Deming award recognizes companies that achieve business transformation by implementing TQM. CEAT was the first non-Japanese tire company in the award’s history to earn the distinction.

Edward Deming was an American statistician and business consultant whose methods helped hasten Japan’s recovery after the Second World War and beyond. He derived the first philosophy and method that allowed individuals and organizations to plan and continually improve themselves, their relationships, processes, products and services.

CEAT Specialty entered the North American market with the intent to offer the same level of customer centricity, and feedback from farmers and ranchers so far has been outstanding.

Apart from rigorous internal test, CEAT Ag radials also undergo testing at renowned independent facilities. “This gives us confidence to offer a 7-year manufacturing warranty and a 3-year field hazard warranty on all our farm radial products,” Loethen said.

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Thu, 26 Aug 2021 technology



Traction vs. Flotation in Ag Tires

Traction vs. Flotation in Ag Tires

Traction and flotation represent different operational tasks on the farm. Identifying tire solutions that can ideally accomplish both will help Ag tire dealers provide the best possible advice to their farmer customers.


Ag tire flotation is the ability to remain on or near the soil surface as you are moving across that surface. Flotation is directly related to the weight and the footprint of the tires that are carrying that weight. The larger the footprint the better the flotation, as well as the lighter the weight the better the flotation. When you are increasing the footprint and/or reducing the weight carried, you are reducing the weight per square inch or down pressure. This reduces the ground pressure and reduces the compaction potential. Reducing compaction potential results in maximizing crop production.

How do you maximize flotation? Reduce the weight carried and maximize the footprints of your tires. Reducing the weight carried isn’t usually much of an option but maximizing the footprint is a very good tool that will reduce compaction.

Tire selection is really key to maximizing the footprint. Adding more tires (like front duals along with rear duals, triples or even quads), wider tires, larger diameter tires, higher load carrying capacity tires, higher aspect ratio tires, and “IF” (increased flexion tires) and “VF” (very high flexion tires) can all help achieve flotation objectives.

The air chamber in Ag tires determines the weight carrying capacity for the most part, so increasing the air chamber will increase flotation. The larger the air chamber the more you can reduce your air pressures which are directly related to ground pressure. You can increase the size of your air chamber by increasing the width, height and aspect ratio. The higher the tires’ load carrying capacity the more you can reduce your inflation pressures. The higher the aspect ratio the more sidewall you have available for sidewall deflection to grow your footprint.

The way to maximize flotation is pretty straightforward. Add more tire! Utilize very large diameter tires with large section widths, high aspect ratios and high load carrying capacities, coupled with IF or VF technology.

Ag tire traction is the transfer of power to the ground resulting in movement across the surface. To maximize traction, you need to reduce tire slip.

Tire companies like CEAT devote considerable resources to designing tires that can exert more force without slipping, using factors like tread and lug design, surface type, compounding and features like sipes to increase traction.

Reducing tire slip can be achieved by increasing ballast weight — opposite to the concept of reducing pressure to the soil via flotation. In most soil conditions, however, utilizing the higher load carrying capacity tires, as well as IF and VF tires, will also increase your traction as the footprint architecture is altered in length and provides more in line tractive surfaces — while simultaneously improving flotation.

At CEAT, we are focusing heavily on the VF solution which allows tires to carry about 40% more load at the same air pressure or carry the same load at 40% reduced air pressure, as compared to standard radials. Our new Spraymax VF radial, for example, is getting great feedback from farmers for providing lower soil compaction without measurably sacrificing traction.

Flat Plate
There are really no industry standards for comparing footprints so be careful when using this information to compare between manufacturers. In general, using the flat plate or footprint calculations as a tool to increase flotation is quite easy. The larger the footprint the better the flotation. Utilizing the footprint to increase traction is not so clear cut. In some cases, the smaller the footprint the better the traction because you simply increase your weight per inch or per unit area.

The big challenge is wanting to maximize traction to optimize equipment efficiency while minimizing compaction potential to optimize crop yields.

Flotation and traction are almost on a teetertotter. As flotation increases the traction decreases due to reduced ground pressures. As the flotation decreases the traction increases. These opposing effects are not so dramatic under low torque applications but can be quite extreme in high torque situations.

The best way to increase traction while minimizing compaction during high torque applications is to:

  • make sure correct air pressures are used for road and field speeds.
  • increase the footprints in length via IF and VF.
  • use higher load carrying capacity tires, along with higher aspect ratio tires with larger air chambers.

These tactics will grow the tire footprint in length providing optimum flotation, while at the same time, lining up the tractive surfaces to provide the most efficient transfer of power to the ground.

Ag tires are advancing so quickly and becoming more and more specialized, I advise discussing the operational conditions, such as soil types, that your farmer customers are facing with your tire manufacturer engineers to devise the best solutions for your customers.

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Tue, 27 Jul 2021 technology



VF Technology for “The Small Guys”

VF Technology for “The Small Guys”

We’re expanding our line-up of VF technology tires with the introduction of the Spraymax VF, which is specially designed for self-propelled sprayers. And we continue to ask the question, “Why should the ‘big boys’ only benefit from VF technology?”

The advantages of VF Ag tires, including soil conservation and higher yield per acre, should not be the sole realm of the mega farming operations! CEAT is delivering VF technology at an affordable price to small and midsize farms that are often multi-generational.

At CEAT we believe you do not have to sacrifice modern VF technology due to the price of the tire. We offer the VF advantage at an honest price. Our cost per hour is among the industry’s best; coupled with an aggressive entry level price, our VF technology is available to farms of all sizes.

Key elements of the Spraymax VF design include:

  • Stepped lug design provides better grip and traction.
  • The center tie bar delivers superior roadability.
  • Its rounded shoulders mean less soil and crop damage.
  • The higher NSD ensures longer life.

About CEAT

CEAT was established in 1924 in Turin, Italy. Today, it is one of India’s leading tire manufacturers, and CEAT tires are sold in more than 115 countries worldwide. The brand came to India in 1958, and later became part of the RPG Group. RPG is among the top business houses in India, with a group turnover of $3 billion.

In the specialty segment, CEAT manufactures farm, mining and earthmover, industrial, and construction equipment tires, as well as special application off the road tires.

The CEAT Specialty Tires office in Charlotte, NC, was opened in 2017, and the company has been steadily increasing distribution across North America.

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Mon, 31 May 2021 technology

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