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VF Technology for “The Small Guys”

Mon, 31 May 2021 | technology


We’re expanding our line-up of VF technology tires with the introduction of the Spraymax VF, which is specially designed for self-propelled sprayers. And we continue to ask the question, “Why should the ‘big boys’ only benefit from VF technology?”

The advantages of VF Ag tires, including soil conservation and higher yield per acre, should not be the sole realm of the mega farming operations! CEAT is delivering VF technology at an affordable price to small and midsize farms that are often multi-generational.

At CEAT we believe you do not have to sacrifice modern VF technology due to the price of the tire. We offer the VF advantage at an honest price. Our cost per hour is among the industry’s best; coupled with an aggressive entry level price, our VF technology is available to farms of all sizes.

Key elements of the Spraymax VF design include:

  • Stepped lug design provides better grip and traction.
  • The center tie bar delivers superior roadability.
  • Its rounded shoulders mean less soil and crop damage.
  • The higher NSD ensures longer life.

About CEAT

CEAT was established in 1924 in Turin, Italy. Today, it is one of India’s leading tire manufacturers, and CEAT tires are sold in more than 115 countries worldwide. The brand came to India in 1958, and later became part of the RPG Group. RPG is among the top business houses in India, with a group turnover of $3 billion.

In the specialty segment, CEAT manufactures farm, mining and earthmover, industrial, and construction equipment tires, as well as special application off the road tires.

The CEAT Specialty Tires office in Charlotte, NC, was opened in 2017, and the company has been steadily increasing distribution across North America.



