tyre care

Five advantages of using dual wheels and tyres on your tractor

Mon, 20 Jun 2022 | tyre care


While modern tractor tyre technology that provides a long and wide contact patch has eliminated some of the older reasons for using dual wheels and tractor tyres, there remain a number of circumstances where their use may still be advantageous. Consider these five advantages of using dual wheels and tyres on your tractor – they may lead you to seek out a dual wheel supplier, and perhaps the tyres to fit them by searching for ‘tractor tyres for sale’ or ‘tractor tyres near me’ on the web, or scanning tractor tyres’ price lists.


Operating additional wheels/tractor tyres on the rear axle or both the front and rear axles of your tractor will obviously spread its footprint proportionately. By spreading the weight of the tractor over a greater area, ground pressure per unit of area is reduced. This is especially advantageous on secondary cultivations and drilling/sowing operations, where re-compaction of cultivated soils will be reduced considerably. It is also of benefit when, for example, rolling or harrowing grassland in the spring, when the topsoil may be damp and prone to compaction, which will hinder grass root development as a result. For best results, the tractor tyres on the dual wheels should be run at or slightly below the pressure of the inner drive wheels.


By putting more tractor tyre tread on the ground, rear or all-round dual wheels and tractor tyres are an effective way of providing your tractor with additional grip. This can be particularly beneficial when, for example, pulling a high-draft implement such as a mole plough or subsoiler. Checking that all of the tractor tyre pressures are correct is again crucial, as is consulting your tractor’s operator’s manual to ensure you are aware of any recommendations or caveats concerning the operation of the tractor’s transmission when working with dual wheels and tractor tyres.


Dual wheels and tractor tyres offer a particular advantage if your work with your tractor takes you across steep slopes where tractor stability may be an issue. Examples include chain harrowing or spreading fertiliser across hilly or mountainous permanent grassland. Because the dual wheels and tractor tyres effectively extend the wheel track of the tractor, they lower its centre of gravity, reducing the risk of the tractor tyres on the uppermost part of the slope losing traction, and potentially causing the tractor to overturn. If working in these situations it is advisable to fit front dual wheels and tractor tyres as well as rear ones, as this will help to avoid instability caused when turning at the field ends.


With a dual wheel and tractor tyre arrangement, it is of course possible to install the dual wheels and tractor tyres only when they are required and remove them when they are not needed. They can also be fitted to the rear axle only, or to the front and rear axles of the tractor, according to the requirements of the workload and conditions.

Lower cost

Because outer dual tyres tend not to be required at the full specification of the inner ones, they may be purchased on a more cost-effective basis. As long as there are no compatibility issues – it is not recommended to mix crossply/bias and radial tractor tyres on the same axle, for example – then the dual wheels themselves may be of lower specification than the inner drive wheels, and the total cost of the dual tyres plus the tractor’s drive tyres may be less than the total cost of high-specification single tyres all round.

Although not as commonly used in Europe as they once were, there are still some situations where dual wheels and tractor tyres remain worthy of consideration. Use these five advantages of using dual wheels and tyres on your tractor to help you decide whether seeking out a dual wheel supplier – and the tyres to fit them by searching for ‘tractor tyres for sale’ or ‘tractor tyres near me’ on the web, or scanning tractor tyres’ price lists – may be the best option for your tractor’s key tasks.