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3 Tips to Maintain Your Tractor Tires

Wed, 21 Sep 2022 | PRODUCTS


With input costs such as fertilizer going through the roof, it makes more sense than ever for farmers to get as much wear and performance out of their farm tractor tires as possible. Every penny saved these days is welcomed news, and tractor and implement tires represent a significant portion of the farm’s operating budget.

Here are 3 tips to properly maintain your tractor tires.

  • Inflate properly– Nothing is more important than keeping your farm tires properly inflated. A tire operating outside of the specified inflation range is a problem waiting to happen – probably sooner rather than later. Damage is inflicted on any tractor tire that is not properly inflated. Inflate to the air pressure that is appropriate for the most demanding application for each tire. This critical information is contained in the tire manufacturer’s data book. The load and inflation tables show the speed range, inflation range and the load range for each tire. It’s also important to regularly check the tire air pressure. Air pressures should be taken when the tractor tires have not been running and considered to be at a “cold” temperature. Checking tires first thing in the morning is best since they have been sitting overnight. If you reduce your pressure after taking a warm inflation pressure, you likely will end up in an under-inflation situation. Under inflation of any tractor tire can result in sidewall deflection that extends beyond the deflection parameters of the sidewall, resulting in tire damage.
  • Don’t overload tractor or implement– Each tractor tire has a load capacity as mentioned above. Carrying load that is way above the recommended load for the tractor or implement will cause damage and increase the tread wear rate. This critical information is contained in the tire manufacturer’s data book. Your tire dealer can also be a valuable resource for determining a tire’s load capacity.
  • Visually inspect tractor tires– Look for abnormalities in the tread pattern and sidewall, such as bulges cracks and tears. Also, if you see signs of irregular wear in the tread, this could mean the tire is not being used properly for the application (most often is under inflated) or there is an issue with the equipment. Either way, detecting irregular wear early will help you correct the problem before too much damage is done.

Today’s farm tractor tires, such as the CEAT Torquemax VF, are engineering marvels that provide levels of traction, durability, roadability and less soil compaction that were unattainable just a few years ago . . . but only if they are properly maintained!

Torquemax VF for high power tractors