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customer testimonials

FARMAX R80 Provides Roadability at Massive Peanut Farm

Wed, 17 Nov 2021 | customer testimonials


The John Deere tractors at Big Creek Farms in southeastern Georgia spend a lot of time on the road – a necessity when you are farming peanuts on 6,000 acres in a 60-mile square area.

When farm owner Justin Studstill heard about the roadability of CEAT FARMAX Ag tires from his local tire dealer, he decided to try a set of FARMAX R80 radials on one of his John Deere 8420 tractors. Suffice it to say, Studstill sees more CEAT tires in his future.

“We have been very pleased with the CEAT tires,” Studstill notes. “Our tractors spend a lot of time on the road, and the CEAT tires provide a smooth steady ride. They don’t get squirrelly like some tires do; very stable even when pulling heavy implements.”

The successful peanut farmer is also impressed with the traction provided by his FARMAX R80 radials. And while the CEAT tires have only been on his Deere through one planting season and a recent harvest, they look almost brand new. Studstill is confident that the R1-W tread depth will deliver long service life.

High roadability, reduced soil compaction and superior traction are just a few features that make the FARMAX R80 tractor tire an all-round performer.

Features and benefits include:

  • With a higher angle lug and lug overlap at the center, the FARMAX R80 tractor tires offer superior roadability.
  • A lower angle at the shoulder brings home superior traction.
  • Wider treads, with larger inner volume, reduce soil compaction and rounded shoulders cause less disruption to soil and crop.

FARMAX R80 radials perform well on 2WD tractors, 4WD tractors, MFWA tractors and combine/harvesters.

The FARMAX R80, like all CEAT Ag radials, is backed with a 7-year manufacturer’s warranty, as well as a field hazard warranty.

Studstill was visited recently by Monty Hawthorne, director of agricultural sales for CEAT Specialty Tires, and Brick Oltmann who oversees quality assurance for American Omni Trading Company. American Omni is a main importer of CEAT tires to the US.

Justin Studstill with one of his 21 John Deere tractors.

Monty Hawthorne (left) and Brick Oltmann at Big Creek Farms.