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customer testimonials

Tirecraft Picture Butte Excels in Customer Service at Their New Fabulous Facility

Thu, 21 Sep 2023 | customer testimonials


Step into the customer area of the new facility for Tirecraft Picture Butte and you might mistake it for a high-end retail store with beautiful wood floors, modern light fixtures and overall exquisite taste. A few wheels on display and the name “Tirecraft” are the only clues that this is a tire store.

Some may call this “over kill” but for owner John Wiebe it is simply a statement on his overall approach to business. “I’m all about customer service. That has always been our top priority. When people come in my door I want them to feel at home. I’m a firm believer that if you take care of the customer they will come back time and time again,” Wiebe says.

Wiebe’s focus on customer service is why he decided to give CEAT Ag and OTR tires a try. “I heard good things about CEAT and began carrying CEAT tires this last spring. I love these tires. They are going on big four-wheel drive tractors and other size tractors, as well as Bobcats and implements.”

“I was a big BKT supporter for many years, but I like the price and quality of the CEAT tires. For guys who don’t want to spend the money for a Michelin or Firestone on the high end, the CEAT tires fit their budget, and they perform really well. All of the CEAT tires I’ve put out there, the guys come back saying how much they like how they perform. I’m really excited to get more of my customers on CEAT tires,” Wiebe says.

Wiebe has been in the tire business for 15 years and has owned his own business for the past nine. Business has been so good that he opened up a much bigger shop this year at 231 Highway Avenue in Picture Butte to serve the southern Alberta area which is cattle country. The new facility has two bays to service very large Ag equipment and is supported by three service trucks and 10 employees.

Tirecraft Picture Butte is exactly the type of tire dealer that CEAT Specialty wants in our dealer network, and we wish Wiebe and his team all the success in the world in the years ahead.

Georgia peanut farmer Justin Studstill