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Spraymax Tires: The Perfect Choice for Agricultural Applications

Sun, 14 May 2023 | PRODUCTS


If you operate a self-propelled sprayer on your farm, the CEAT Spraymax VF radial will deliver everything you need in an Ag tire – long tread wear, traction in the field, smooth ride on the road, and less soil compaction.

Produced in one of the world’s most advanced Ag radial tire plants, the Spraymax VF is rapidly gaining in popularity with North American farmers because it delivers outstanding performance at a very competitive acquisition price.

The first thing to know about Spraymax is its VF (very high flexion) technology. One of the most important developments in farm tires in recent years, VF tires have the ability to carry 40% more load or the same load with 40% less pressure. The gentler footprint of the Spraymax VF translates into less soil compaction and crop damage.

While going easy on the soil and crops, the Spraymax VF does not sacrifice on traction. With its stepped lug design, you can count on the Spraymax VF to keep your sprayer on track instead of slip sliding away.

Not only are Spraymax VF tires designed to stand up to rugged conditions, they’re also incredibly durable– meaning you can get the most out of each season without needing to replace your tires too often – welcome news for farmers dealing with high input costs.

Farmers are spending more and more of their seat time on the road traveling from one field to another. A center tie bar gives this tire superior roadability, meaning you more rested and relaxed when you get to the next field.

As a row crop farmer, you know that maximizing each and every hour in the field while minimizing downtime is essential to running a successful operation. If you’re looking for reliable and innovative tires that can help maximize your crop spraying, then Spraymax VF tires may be the perfect choice for you!

Talk to your local tire dealer about CEAT Ag tires, including a wide range of farm tractor tires and specialized tires for other farm equipment such as sprayers and combines. If your dealer is not carrying CEAT, he should be! He will find out what Brad Schmucker, owner of Millersburg Tire Service in Ohio, has experienced – after five years of selling CEAT, his farmer customers are now coming back in and asking for more CEAT!

Spraymax VF 380/90R46 radials on a John Deere sprayer