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rodeo sponsorships

CEAT Sponsoring Junior Rodeo Competitor Tyler Acree

Mon, 18 Jul 2022 | rodeo sponsorships


At the early age of three, Tyler Acree was strapped on a pony and rode for hours. “I would ride until I fell asleep on the pony, and I would never ride without my sippy cup,” Tyler recalled.

Today, Tyler and his pony Rocket are turning heads in junior high school rodeo competition and CEAT Specialty Tires is thrilled to be along for the ride. In fact, CEAT is sponsoring the young man, as well as various rodeo associations such as the Women’s Rodeo World Championship (WRWC) and National High School and Junior High School Rodeo. The company is using rodeo to spread the word to farmers and ranchers that its farm tractor tires are technologically advanced and affordably priced.

Tyler and Rocket competed in the National Junior High School Rodeo on June 19-25 in Perry, Georgia.  I asked him some questions about his life competing in rodeos. 

Tyler and Rocket have a strong bond and can calm each other’s nerves before every competition. “Rocket is the main reason why I’m here, he gets me in the best spot,” stated Tyler. Rocket was also loved by everyone at the rodeo. People were coming up left and right telling Tyler that Rocket is the cutest pony they have ever seen. Not only is Rocket a cute pony, but he also has a funny personality. “Rocket will annoy me by trying to get me to give him treats, but he knows I won’t give in,” laughed Tyler. 

Tyler and Rocket have created such a strong bond by training together every day. The affable pony learns best from consistency and repetition, according to Tyler. They will practice the events over and over again until Rocket has the utmost confidence. “He does a lot for his age,” Tyler said. “He is only 6 years old and with training horses you normally start at 10 years old, but I have kept training and training him and here we are.”

Tyler started off in sheep riding and did well, but discovered that it wasn’t his thing. He then did a little trick riding and still does from time to time, but rodeo is his passion.  

Tyler has made many achievements in his career. When he was seven years old, he went to the YBR World Finals for sheep

riding. After that he went to the National Junior High Rodeo finals for bare back and earned 30th place. Next, he went to the

North American Trick Riding Championship and won the competition. Then he earned 4th in Missouri’s state competition for breakaway and 3rd in goat tying. “Hopefully one day I’m going to win the World Championship, but you never know,” he noted.

Being a part of the Missouri Junior High Rodeo Association has played a huge role in Tyler’s life. “It has taught me how to control my emotions when I rodeo and realize that it is not the end of the world if I don’t place how I want to. If you want to be good at something, you really have to work hard at it. Practice makes perfect,” Tyler observed.

As Tyler gets older he aims to be a part of the Missouri High School Rodeo Association and then go to college to become a vet. Another path he is considering is to become a full time professional rodeo competitor. 

In closing Tyler stated, “I would like to thank my sponsor CEAT because without them I wouldn’t be able to compete in the NJHFR and I wouldn’t be able to enter as many competitions as I have. I just can’t thank CEAT enough.”  

 Tyler’s hard work and determination is inspiring. CEAT Specialty Tires, which makes hard working farm tires for hard working farmers and ranchers, cannot wait to see what he accomplishes next!

Tyler and Rocket

Tyler’s first ride!