rodeo sponsorships
My First Rodeo!
Tue, 31 May 2022 | rodeo sponsorships
We’ve all heard of the saying “this ain’t my first rodeo,” but I actually did experience my first rodeo recently. I was in Fort Worth, Texas, at the Women’s Rodeo World Championship which was sponsored by CEAT Specialty Tires. I was in awe watching these women professionals compete.
I did not know exactly what to expect. The only thing I knew was that there were going to be people riding horses and trying to rope calves. What I did not know was how fun the atmosphere is around the rodeo and how impressive the competitors and horses are.
The Events
Three events took place at the Women’s Rodeo World Championship in Fort Worth. One of the events was barrel racing; I had not heard of that before. There were three barrels, and the competitor and their horse had to ride in a cloverleaf pattern around the barrels as fast as they could. The way that they took the turns so tight around each barrel was so impressive — they made it look so effortless!
The other two events at the Fort Worth competition were breakaway roping and team roping. These two were a lot of fun to watch because I don’t think I have ever been more impressed watching a sporting event. In breakaway roping, the competitor and their horse wait in a box next to a chute that has a calf inside. Once the calf is released from the chute, the competitor and their horse charge out of the box and try to rope the calf’s neck as fast as possible. Some of the competitors at the Women’s Rodeo World Championship roped the calf in only two seconds! It blew my mind how these competitors were able to ride a horse, focus on the calf, and rope the calf’s neck all at one time.
Team roping is just like breakaway roping, except there are two competitors going at once. The first competitor is trying to rope the front of the calf, while the second competitor is trying to rope the hind feet of the calf. I can easily say team roping was my favorite event because it requires so much coordination from both competitors to rope the same calf. Not only are they trying to rope the calf with accuracy, but they are also racing against the clock.
The People
Throughout the rodeo, you are surrounded by some of the nicest people you will ever meet. I don’t think there was a single person that was not as friendly as can be.
Overall, I have a new appreciation for rodeo. Before I attended this rodeo, I did not realize how much skill it takes to be able to do these events. In any other sport, your number one priority is yourself, then your team; however, in rodeos, your number one priority is your horse, then yourself. I can confidently say that this will not be my last rodeo!