tire advice
5 Reasons Why You Should Choose CEAT Specialty Tires for Your Farming Equipment
Fri, 24 Feb 2023 | tire advice
More and more North American farmers and ranchers are learning that CEAT is the right choice for their Ag tire needs. Here’s five reasons why:
Word-of-Mouth – What are farmers and tire dealers saying about specific Ag tire brands? After all this time, there is still no better barometer for evaluating a product or company.
Feedback on CEAT Ag radial and bias-ply tires has been outstanding since CEAT Specialty Tires entered the North American market five years ago.
“If you have a good tire that performs well in the field and equally well on the road, you have a winner,” says longtime Ag tire industry veteran Barry Hawn who serves as Director of Off-Road Products for Tirecraft Ontario. “CEAT is that tire!”
“We have been very pleased with the CEAT tires,” says Georgia peanut farmer Justin Studstill. “Our tractors spend a lot of time on the road, and the CEAT tires provide a smooth steady ride. They don’t get squirrelly like some tires do; very stable even when pulling heavy implements.”
Quality — CEAT continually invests in R&D and its manufacturing plants to deliver the highest quality products to its customers. Of particular note, CEAT is totally committed to following Total Quality Management (TQM) principles. CEAT is the only tire company outside of Japan to receive the prestigious Deming Prize (in 2017) for TQM excellence.
IF/VF Tires — One of the most important developments in farm tires in recent years is IF (increased flexion) and VF (very high flexion) tires. IF tires are designed to carry 20% more load than a standard radial and, alternately, carry the same load as a standard radial at 20% less pressure. VF tires such as the Torquemax VF, are even more advanced with the ability to carry 40% more load or the same load with 40% less pressure. CEAT is delivering IF/VF technology to farms and ranches at a more competitive cost.
Warranty — Farm tractor tires are a significant investment; a good warranty provides peace of mind. CEAT Ag radials are backed with a 7-year manufacturer’s warranty and a 3-year field hazard warranty. The warranty is very rarely needed. Also, does the company have a no hassle warranty? Tire dealers know which Ag tire companies are, and are not, easy to deal with on the warranty process. CEAT is easy to work with.
Total cost of ownership — Farm tractor and implement tires are a significant investment, but don’t be penny wise and pound foolish! Buying the cheapest Ag tire could quite likely cost you more in the long term. Likewise, opting for the farm tire with the highest acquisition price is not a guarantee that you are getting good value. CEAT delivers long tread life, good performance in the field and on the road, and durability at an “honest” price . . . or in other words, a low cost of ownership.
The guiding mission of CEAT Specialty Tires is to offer high quality tires at better value to North America’s farmers and ranchers. Or another way of saying it – “high quality tires at an honest price.”