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tire advice

The Low Down on Farm Tractor Tires

Fri, 1 Jul 2022 | tire advice


The purchase of tractor tires is one of the most important decisions farmers and ranchers will make. A tractor tire that is right for the application and delivers on key benefits such as traction, roadability and tread wear can greatly enhance farm productivity and lower operating costs.

Key facts about farm tractor tires:

  • Tractors vary by HP wherein a higher HP tractor is used when the farm sizes are bigger and the load to be hauled is more. Tractor tires are designed keeping these varied requirements in mind.
  • Tractor tires come in multiple sizes. Depending on the tractor HP, there is a specific tractor tire size that is recommended.
  • While tractor tires come in radial and bias technologies, the specific application, load-carrying capacity, and compaction and traction needs are the main deciding factors on whether radial or bias tires are better suited.

CEAT offers a complete range of tractor tires. No matter the requirements, farmers and ranchers will find a CEAT tractor tire that

is the perfect fit. CEAT radial tires offer low compaction, high traction, and high roadability. With tilted lug tips, the FARMAX R65 radial tractor tire, for example, delivers superior operator comfort, with less vibration and noise. A higher angle and lug overlap at the center offers superior roadability. While a lower angle at the shoulder imparts superior traction.

The company also offers an IF/VF radial tractor tire range that offers 20%/40% more load carrying capacity compared to standard radials. The CEAT Torquemax for high-power tractors is available in IF and VF versions. It ensures constant and smooth transfer of torque from the tractor to the ground. With lower compaction, higher traction and better roadability, CEAT TORQUEMAX keeps the tractor running smooth regardless of conditions in the field and on the road.

CEAT is a preferred supplier of tractor tires to major global tractor manufacturers including John Deere, AGCO, Mahindra and Mahindra, CNH. CEAT tractor tires are built to the manufacturer’s specifications and designed to offer high mileage and durability. CEAT tractor tires come in multiple tread patterns keeping in mind varied user requirements. The tractor tire compound provides durability and ensures resistance to chipping and cuts. CEAT tractor tires come in different sizes to fit a wide range of farm equipment. CEAT tires offer versatility and durability for farming as well as haulage.

The FARMAX R85 radial tractor tire is getting rave review from North American farmers for dependable traction, good roadability and long tread wear.

The CEAT TORQUEMAX is designed for high HP tractors.