family farms
A Big Thanks to America’s Farmers on Thanksgiving Day!
Sun, 21 Nov 2021 | family farms
For this upcoming Thanksgiving, let’s serve a big helping of gratitude to American farming families!
Americans enjoy a food supply that is abundant, affordable and among the world’s safest, thanks in large part to the efficiency and productivity of America’s farm and ranch families.
Here are some statistics to consider:
- Two million farms dot America’s rural landscape. About 98% of U.S. farms are operated by families – individuals, family partnerships or family corporations.
- 86% of U.S. Ag products are produced on family farms or ranches.
- One U.S. farm feeds 166 people annually in the U.S. and abroad.
- About 11% of U.S. farmers are serving or have served in the military.
- 25% of all farmers are beginning farmers (in business less than 10 years); their average age is 46.
- Women make up 36% of the total number of U.S. farm operators; 56% of all farms have at least one female decision-maker.
- More than half of America’s farmers intentionally provide habitat for wildlife. Deer, moose, birds and other species have shown significant population increases for decades.
- Careful stewardship by America’s food producers has spurred a 34% decline in erosion of cropland by wind and water since 1982.
We at CEAT Specialty Tires pride ourselves on providing hard working Ag tires for America’s hard-working farmers and ranchers. “Hard working” in terms of long wear, reduced soil compaction, outstanding traction in the field and a smooth, stable ride on the road.
Best of all, we provide the latest in Ag tire technologies, such as VF (very high flexion) tires at a competitive price to farmers and ranchers of all sizes. CEAT VF tires such as the Spraymax VF and Torquemax VF carry 40 percent more load at a standard radial’s inflation pressure—or the same load (as a standard tire) at 40 percent less pressure – very good for reducing soil compaction!
On this Thanksgiving holiday, let’s all say thanks to America’s farming families for keeping us fed and clothed!