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family farms

Help for Family Farms

Sun, 30 Jan 2022 | family farms


Two million farms dot America’s rural landscape. About 98% of U.S. farms are operated by families – individuals, family partnerships or family corporations. It is amazing that 86 percent of U.S. Ag products are produced on family farms or ranches, and one U.S. farm feeds 166 people annually in the U.S. and abroad.

Our hat is off to America’s farming families. It is often very rewarding work, but not for the faint of heart. It is demanding. It is high stakes with the cost of equipment these days. Many input costs, such as fertilizer, are expected to double this year. Weather, of course, is another variable that farmers have absolutely no control over.

Kudos are nice but they don’t put food on the table. CEAT Specialty Tires is actively supporting America’s farming families by providing high quality tractor farm tires and farm implement tires with the latest technologies at an affordable price.

For example, we’re offering VF technology tires with the introduction of the Spraymax VF, which is specially designed for self-propelled sprayers. It is engineered to carry 40 percent more load than a standard radial. Alternately, it carries the same load as a standard radial at 40 percent lesser pressure.

Why should the “big boys” only benefit from VF technology?” The advantages of VF Ag tires, including soil conservation and higher yield per acre, should not be the sole realm of the mega farming operations! CEAT is delivering VF technology at an affordable price to small and midsize farms that are often multi-generational.

At CEAT we believe you do not have to sacrifice modern VF technology due to the price of the tire. We offer the VF advantage at an honest price. Our cost per hour is among the industry’s best; coupled with an aggressive entry level price, our VF technology is available to farms of all sizes.

Key elements of the Spraymax VF design include:

  • Stepped lug design provides better grip and traction.
  • The center tie bar delivers superior roadability.
  • Its rounded shoulders mean less soil and crop damage.
  • The higher NSD ensures longer life.